Imagine . . .
A pack of canines in their natural habitat in pursuit of their prey. They ultimately select the animal of their
choice and as a cohesive team, take it down in one quick flurry of activity. Dinner is served!
The event that follows is not your typical eight-place setting around the freshly harvested feast, where each
member of the pack is offered equal portions of the bounty. In fact. . . it’s quite the opposite.
If dinner is not “shared equally? what actually happens? Which animal within the pack is the first to eat? If
you guessed the biggest, the strongest and the healthiest. . .the ALPHA, you’re correct. What portions of their
prey do they instinctively consume first and why? In nearly every situation, the ALPHA instinctively seeks the
vital organs ?heart, liver, lungs, kidney, and tripe, which are “chock full?of vital, essential nutrients. This vital
organ mix, along with the meat and bone, provides the ALPHA with the richest source of nutrients it needs
for a strong immune system, to procreate strong, healthy offspring for the long-term survival of the pack.
As dinner continues, the remaining members of the pack, in order of hierarchy, take their place at the
harvest and consume the left over portions of prey. Their diet is not the same as the ALPHA.
As a steward of your pet’s health and well-being, you would want to provide your pet the ALPHA diet, rich in
vital, essential nutrients vs an average diet like one of the lower ranking members of the pack? Pet-parents
want the best for their furry, four-legged family member,
and choose The ALPHA-Prey model diet.
Vital Essentials?is just that - the ALPHA diet: comprised of meat, bone, and whole vital organs, more than
any other complete and balanced raw diet. It’s all there–fresh heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, tripe, meat, and
bone. Virtually identical to the diet of an ALPHA in its natural habitat, Vital Essentials provides pets the
opportunity to lead long, vibrant, healthy lives, just as they deserve.
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